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Friday, October 8, 2010

World's Youngest Thousandaire... quite a ring to it ... Not.

"The Social Network"

A story about how "Facebook"  was started...
A story about Mark Zukerberg who after started the website eventually ended up becoming the youngest BILLIONAIRE in the world...
A story about getting out of our comfort zones and realizing that success in this world isn't and never will be as annoyingly easy as stubbing your toe on your dresser at 7 a.m...

A story about choices and consequences...
THE GOOD - Being amazing at something; be it computers, sales, construction, or whatever means that you have a glimmer of hope to become successful and provide a wonderful life to yourself and the people you love around you.
THE BAD - If you are selfish in your actions you will pay for it. Maybe not now, but this is a bullet that no-one can dodge, not even a Billionaire.
THE UGLY- Most of us are to old to beat him to a Billion :(


i.m.o.- Considering that this is simply a story being re-told, it is done well, but not perfect.  Some of the directing is a little dry and drawn out.  A scene that could take 10 seconds takes 30-45 with random people walking with Loud fusion based music blaring as you wait for a useful scene to start again.

With the exception of that one major flaw as a whole the cinematography is amazing!  Music, lighting, all of it rocks.

cast/acting - Everyone did great, ranging from actors we know to those that we have never even seen.  Keeping this one short and sweet... zero negatives here.

entertainment value - High points here, for some reason I was glued to the screen and can't explain it... After the movie you will understand what I am talking about.

Entertainment - 8.5/10
Plot - irrelevant
Directing- 7.5/10

go see it. 

Great Movie, I believe that everyone should go and check it out, especially if you are a facebook addict.  It was really cool to see how the website that is like a drug to most computer savvy Americans started.  It is also a great reminder of the wonderful power of American Capitalism and Human Greatness!

Final Thoughts
Justin Timberlake was legit, lolololol.
I was dissapointed to not see him doing a rendition of Beyonce's "Single Ladies".

"Sellers" out.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Pulse of the People! Episode 1!

This is my contribution to a Conservative Political site called www.ThinkTownUSA.com.
I interviewed a few people including a Muslim Imam at our local Islamic Center concerning whether or not to build the mosque at Ground Zero.  These people gave some really great opinions and I hope to hear from more of you concerning this issue!

Watch, Enjoy, Comment, SHARE!!

"...Sellers..." Out!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oh My God... Bush this.. Bush that... Sick of hearing about Bush as a Counter to Obama's Madness!!

I just Ripped someone on my Brother-in-Laws Facebook Page... And I am going to post what I said... Because it is me venting and being rather informative :)

"Wow... This conversation would have been perfectly fine without Bringing up Bush... The Race Card was fair, made perfect sense how ya'll said it... and every other reason among HUNDREDS practically of why this IS the worst president ever...

A few facts for everyone to chew on...
Bush's WORST Deficit in a fiscal year 491 Billion... Which is Horrible... He left conservative principles that he swore to uphold...
Bush in a sense did fabricate "reasons" for us going to a war, he listened to people around him that were war hungry and put us into something we couldnt afford.  So he was Garbage in that sense.

BUT Bush did have 7 years of CONSISTENT Job growth.. The longest in American History...  but aside from that.

Mr. Obama Here is on track for a 1.7 TRILLION dollar deficit this year... only beaten by him and his congresses record last year of roughly 1.3 Trillion..  His only answer for everything is to Spend more and more and more..  to bring us deeper into debt and on the brink of financial collapse.. 

NEWFLASH...  This Health Care Bill that was Illegally Rammed down our throats among other Garbage bills called "Financial Reform"... "Green Agenda's"....  every single thing put through Congress is filled with ignorance and a borderline purposeful attempt to bring the Greatness of Capitalism that brought this country to where it is... to its knees... forcing us into the Bankruptcy that Europe is facing now.

So was Bush bad.. yep.. only because we wasn't a TRUE Conservative.. aside from that.. atleast he isnt willfully ignoring the brunt of the American People and their opinions to push a proven to fail Socialist agenda...

Oh and btw.. that last Bailout... 787,000,000,000 that we saw ZERO results from.. unless we were a failing company that based on free market principles should have been allowed to fail anyway... That is more than $2500 for every man, woman, and child in this Country.

This man.. HIS Congress.. Squander that money.. Fail us... tell us we have a "Recovering" Economy and things are going up.." when anyone with a brain.. and a prayer can tell you otherwise... instead of holding him accountable you and every other Liberal, Progressive person that I know say ... Bush this.. Bush that..  I'm sick of the crap.

oh and to finish Venting.. 

Obama's contribution to the National Debt by the end of his term will have more than doubled it... someone how he managed to do that in FOUR YEARS... all other president couldnt do it in...  232 Years.  Wow.. and you have the nerve to bring up Bush in this thread... You are bold..very bold..

And before everyone that reads this falls asleep.. remember that just the INTEREST to cover his contributions to the national debt represents about $610 dollars per working individual in the United States..

So at the end of the year... PAY UP.... and you'll cover only Obama's interest on his Loans he took out to give us a Fake Economic Recovery and plunge us deeper towards the failing economic principles of  socialism."

I"m Done..
Sellers out..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"RTO...E" Episode #3 - Still Broke!

Hey Everyone,
Its that time again... 

The third round of "RTO...E" is here. 
I have tried to keep things interesting and hope to keep that going!

In this episode I am going to tell you a story...
This story is about a family that is sitting around their kitchen table and going over their expenses for the year after the fact.  Maybe they make a budget, maybe I show you some secret idea to make all your troubles go away through this story, or some deep philosophical point that is going to make you feel like Gandhi or something.  Or... I'll do typical "Sellers" and make you go, wow, only he would have thrown this together.

And... Thats my goal :)

You NEED to hear this... Can't be anymore forward about it.  Call in the kids, the wife, the husband, the friends, this is a story that you all must hear.  Trust Me.

God Bless,

Friday, May 28, 2010

No Magic Carpet... No Genie... Somehow Still Epic!


Ok Ok...
So just in-case you weren't convinced after all of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies.. that if Disney has a budget.. they definitely know how to use it and hold nothing back.

I promise they don't let you down with this movie.  It still has that feel of their other movies that we are used to; little to no gore, no cursing, limited innuendos, and cheesy one liners.  All good stuff in this one though.  I'll obviously rate it more thorough further down.... Hold on to your hat. 

But First, There is one thing that you have to watch for just a few seconds though... The video I am putting up here, you need to watch the first 15 seconds and It will make sure that even if you have know idea about the story of "Prince of Persia" you will still be 100% unconfused, trust me!

Ok... small fib... but now every time that some tragic happens and the dagger (if you don't know what the "dagger" is for... watch a movie preview before you go!) may be out of reach and you see Jake Gyllenhaal's face in slow motion reaching for it... in your head your going to see Cher prancing up and down that Battleship :)  Your Welcome!

after much thought I have decided exactly how they came up with Prince of Persia's character traits .. and they are unlike any combo I could have ever thought of.. and I hope that you agree.

Here we go...

The Melting Pot of Prince Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) goes a little something like this...

1st. Mix 5 parts of Aladdin...
Make sure not to overdo the Alladin, we don't want Prince Dastan singing "a whole new world".

2nd. Its time for his agility, swordsmanship, and Epicness! (Thats a real word... starting... Now.)
For this part of the recipe there is only one warrior that is perfect...
Throw in a few dashes of... The mighty Achilles !! 

3rd.  And this one is what really ads the flavor so if you forget this it means everything is   ruined!  Ok... with the interestingly placed and well worded goofy lines in this movie.. even amidst death and destruction all around... And the ability to evade seemingly impossible odds... even by the hundreds... There is only one character that can finish off this recipe.

Put in Half a cup of Captain Jack Sparrow!

Trust me when I tell you... that picture is not only hilarious but fitting.  You'll see why !!


This recipe is not done... after you have the ingredients you have to bring them to a boil to start cooking off some of the excess... and oh dear lord this part could not be more important... If you don't nail this... this would be the worst character and movie ever.

after a little while the first thing we can taste different is the lack of...

And thank God... because If Jake Gyllenhaal was anything like this part of his past during this movie... or hadn't grown up for the role.. I would have walked out!

But wait... your almost done... once it cools off your going to see the most grotesque, horrible, nasty, gross, undesirable, horrific, vile... Fat/Garbage.  This has to be taken off so you can look at Mr. Gyllenhaal with a straight face and not feel sick at your stomach during your popcorn eating session.  And I am sick having to save it to my computer for nearly 2 minutes to post it :(

Don't cry... Don't tell your kids... we can't go see this movie because the not so manly cowboy is gonna be puffing his chest out in this one. :(

1. Jake Gyllenhaal is a Beast in this movie... Beast!  His past is gone, I swear.
2. Princess Lady... wowzers... ummm yeah, You'll see.
3. You won't know anyone else by name, great actors though.

Official Score Card

Acting - 8.75
Effects - 9.0
Sound - 8.5
Plot/Story - 9.5

Overall Score - 9.0

Final Thoughts
Simply Put, awesome movie.  Its a movie you can take the kids to, go with all your Homeboys, Date Movie... It's good for everyone.  I can see guys saying, "whoa that was epic", Girls saying "awww how sweet", and teenagers saying, "Duuuuude!".
Honestly this is a must see for this round of summer movies!

Ranging from the awesome scenery, epic battles, well choreographed fight scenes, insane plot twists, goofy humor, lingering but light love story... It's all a winner in my book.

Go and See, "PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME" you'll be glad you did.
And I wouldn't wait for DVD... its effects and sound make it worth the money. 
Superb Job Disney!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"RTO...E" Episode #2!!

Soooo... After much thought and careful deliberation I decided to focus on something that affects everyone... and also has the highest potential to offend some people :(

Its a thin red line that I am willing to walk on, because in this particular subject category I have tons of experience... Not in a good way, which you will hear about lol.

Its time for a nice talk on RELATIONSHIPS!

Oh lord... I hear Jeopardy music in some peoples heads and the X-Files themes going off in other peoples.


Because no matter how hard we try, and no matter how long or short we are in a relationship...
Guys have no idea how to figure out women...
And women can't change a man into exactly what she wants...

Little bitty Problem.

But... Have no fear... Sellers is here!!

Listen away and I will try to fix this problem... or at least get to the root of it.  I Hope.

As Always, don't forget to comment and share!!
Make sure to link to your Facebook or pass it on to someone that might need to hear this!

Thanks Everyone and God Bless,

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"RTO...E" Episode #1 !!

Okay... See this picture.
This is what I feel like right now.

Do you know why I feel like this... Because today I feel like I have been training like a crazy man on "How to Make a Podcast". Wait there are more of those.. lemme give you all the things I had to google over the last 6 hours to finally finish this up!
"How to podcast"
"How to Host a Podcast"
"how to record a podcast"
"How to get your podcast on itunes"
"where to get Free Prozac"

so after all of that.... FINALLY!

Here is my first official "RTO...E" Podcast!

In this episode,
U.S. News.
Global Warming... NOT!
Joke of the Day
and more.

Listen and enjoy, and above all else... Comment and subscribe! I need to know what you think!

- "...Sellers..."